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Do’s & Don’ts Of Instagram – How To Manage Your Instagram Feed The Right Way

Do’s & Don’ts Of Instagram – How To Manage Your Instagram Feed The Right Way

When it comes to managing your social media accounts for your wedding business, it’s easy to make mistakes or take wrong approaches at times. This article tells about the major do’s and don’ts for wedding planners, wedding venues and wedding vendors that will help grow your business.


6 tips for wedding vendors on managing your Instagram account


1.    Don’t sell your staff:

A lot of business owners use salesy pitch to capture the attention of the audience but that’s a wrong approach. Instead, you should create posts that are relatable, engaging and conversational about the area of your expertise. Let your audience get to know you and like you first- then sell them later on.


2.    Don’t Buy Followers:

These days a lot of apps and websites offer to give a boost to your followers count. While it’s true that having larger number of followers does help authenticate your brand but, you really want that number of followers to be organic instead of purchasing. Slowly growing your page organically will ensure that you have engaged followers that want to interact with you.


3.    Patience Is Virtue:

Always remember one thing that social media is all about people and relationships. It’s not the number of followers you have. Once you get more focused on the number, you will start to miss out on the powerful connection that can help grow your business. When you are promoting your wedding business on Social Media,  you are investing in building a relationship. Always remember one thing that large numbers do not mean success, but active relationships do.


4.    Stay Professional:

There are lots of posts from different businesses coming with typos show unprofessionalism. All sentences should be clear and correct. The simple practice of proofreading will help to build trust with the prospective bride and groom.


5.    Do Save Time:

Spend not more than 10 minutes a day by automating the posts. You can use different Instagram post automation tool for this purpose.


6.    DO Utilize The Free Tools.

Instagram offers free insight tools to track your page’s performance and analytics. If you notice a type of post does much better than others, try to implement more like it in your content strategy. If you see there’s a certain time or day of the week your page gets more attention, try to post within those windows for optimal exposure.

These simple best practices for wedding vendors, venues and planners, when done consistently, can help grow your Instagram following, build your reputation and become a trusted source for your future customers.